Online poker is gaining popularity and has surely become one of the most played card games all around the globe. Moreover, everyone enjoys it, whether it is to have fun or learn a few basic math skills. So, let us know a few things about qq apk before you try your hands on it.

How is Online Poker different from Live Poker?

Though the rules of operation are quite similar for online and live poker, some differences exist between the two.

  • qq apk offers great speed, whereas a live poker consumes a lot of time shuffling and checking up the players’ cards.
  • Online poker is easily accessible, while live poker requires the players to visit a poker room.
  • Online poker offers a variety of free games to play, promotion deals, and some inviting bonuses. On the other hand, live poker offers complimentary services like hotel stays, meals, and drinks.
  • In online poker, the players play anonymously and can’t judge the opponent’s movement through their body language. On the other side, in live poker, players can study the body language and expressions of the opponent and guess their upcoming move.
  • qq apk provides you with tools to calculate the odds and eventually help you make the best decision, whereas the case is not so in live poker.
  • Playing online poker 24*7 is possible, but the live poker rooms have some time durations of opening and closing.
  • Playing in a live poker room helps you socialize with different players and have a memorable experience, whereas online poker is just for the sake of trying your hands in poker.


Today, due to the growing interest of people in poker, there are many options for poker sites to choose from, although one should properly check the site before using it. Online poker rewards you for your actual skill set, and therefore, should be played for entertainment purposes only.